Saturday, April 19, 2008

Ride em' cowboy! The rest of the story....

My mom and dad came out for a visit soon after Gentry and I bought our first little house. Mom and dad were supposed to sleep in our bed. The bed seemed a little damp when they got in. That is not a good sign. Hmm. Leaking for sure. Problem was, we couldn't find the leak. Gentry got the bright idea of draining the water out of it and filling up the bladder with air. I suppose he expected it to squeal like a balloon let loose in a quiet room. When that didn't happen he figured getting more pressure on it was the answer. First time he hopped on he fell right back off. It was hilarious because every time he'd sort of get the thing balanced, he'd start laughing and it would dump him off again. There were jokes flying around the room, some about riding bucking broncos, stuffed pigs and so on. Dad couldn't quite figure out what Gentry's problem was so he (thinking it had to be a piece of cake) took it for a ride then. Pretty soon he was wallowing around on the floor with a bemused look on his face. It had happened so fast! It was definitely getting the best of them. That determined look on Gentry's face is pretty indicative of how hard it was to stay put. Mom and I were laughing so hard tears were running down our cheeks. I wish I could remember some more of the commentary between Gentry and dad, they were on a roll with one-liners! They must have been feeling pretty foolish and they looked like complete goofs! It's a funny memory that I would have completely forgotten without these dumb pictures.

1 comment:

Roger said...

And now, as Paul Harvey says, we know "the rest of the story"! Too bad you didn't catch it on video...but back then not many people had they are on our phones! Or at least on some peoples phone..I don't think mine has one. I haven't even learned how to take a picture with mine.

Dad Burgess