Monday, September 15, 2008

Come for supper, there is plenty of room at the table...

This log pile is significant. See the little logs on the end that are a bit lighter? That is all that is left of Eli's tree, that Kent helped haul up the side of the mountain, that Gentry cut up, that Michael helped haul around to make:

A post for a dinner bell
And an XXL picnic table!

Gentry finished off the edges nicely, added a bench on one end and has plans for the other end too. (It is a surprise, so I can't tell.)
Now the bell has a bit of a story also. I bought it on EBay. The advertised picture was of a nice dinner bell, cast iron, all black, with no decoration. I thought it would be fun to bring in the troops when they are all scattered here and yon to all the little tent spots or wherever for a nice hot meal. What I got was a replica of the Liberty Bell, gold with a dark fake patina, pot metal and with a wimpy gong. Happy Anniversary Gentry. He saw it for what it is (lame) but was nice enough to hang it anyway. The shipping was hefty so no sense in returning it- Now we can say we have the Liberty to have fun, eat great meals (and on time while the food is hot please!) and roast marshmallows, and we can feel Free to laugh and sing and tell stories , roast more marshmallows.......


Roger said...

Thanks for the new photos. Is the mountain view the one from the top of Davis Peak? Beautiful. I like the picnic table and also the bell. It looks nice even though the sound may not be what you expected....I hope someone doesn't run off with is remote up there so that probably won't happen. I'm anxious to see what the completed table will look like!

Dad Burgess

Kent, Melisa,Tiana (and Coda) said...

Nice! Too bad I don't foresee us making a trip up the mountain before the next thaw! I look forward to the memories already!

Mochas, Mountains and Moby Wraps said...

LOVE the picnic table!!!

ALB said...

The table is awesome, the bell is cool, the stack of wood beats our stack & happy anniversary! I hope this year brings you much happiness.

Renee said...

You make me want to come take a trip to the VR!!

When's the anniversary? Ours is today... year number we share an anniversary date?

Roger said...

That must be Grandpa's hat Gent is wearing.

If the bell doesn't do its thing, you can always bang on the bottom of a skillet and holler "Ye Haw, come and get it fer I throw it out!"

Roger said...

That last comment was mine. Forgot to sign my name.

Nanny, Mom, MIL

Lainey said...

Mom, that is really my stlye anymore fer shur!

Lainey said...

Dad, yes that is Grandpa's hat. It is a huge improvement over the old standby. Thanks!

Lainey said...

Renee, you guys need to come see us sometime and we'll take you up! Our anniversary is a bit before yours- and Happy Anniversary to you too!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary you two!! We definitely have to get up there and see those beautiful sites you keep showing pictures of...thanks for sharing with us!!Love the Wiewecks