It is hard to believe that my young man is old enough to have a summer job. But here he is mowing the neighbors lawn. He is also responsible for mowing the side yard which goes way back down one side, and he weed wacks the entire thing. It took 4.5 hours last time. He also has another job down the street at a vacant house. Things are looking better in the neighborhood already!

I just had to take pictures of Grants first real job. Sigh.....were did my babies go?
Way to go Grant! That is the Burgess tradition. Your Dad and his brothers started working early on and it developed a good work ethic that carried over and proved valuable in developing them into people who get things done. Your grandfather and great grandfather also started working and being responsible early on in life. Great Grandpa Burgess had to take over the operation of the family farm at 14 years of age when his father, your great, great grandfather had a heart attack at an early age. When I was 10 years old I had a cow to milk, pigs to care for and about 20 doe rabbits to raise rabbits for sale. It was pretty much up to me as my dad was working away from home and I was the only one to make sure everything got done. Anyway...good to see you getting into the "groove"
Love, Pops
Does he work cheap? I'd love to hire him to take care of the neighbor lady's place since she refuses to! Way to go Grant! Can I get a loan?
They do grow up so fast, don't they! Enjoy every minute you have with them because it doesn't take long and they are all grown up and gone! Lorraine
Congrats on the jobs, Grant!
My goodness, the lawns we mowed were never that big!
I'm impressed!
Now what are you going to do with all that money? I was a scrooge and saved all mine! :)
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