Some beautiful ladies.

Sunday we had 5
th Sunday potluck, we kept if very simple this time and
barbecued hot dogs, hamburger and chicken. I was thankful to have extra time to visit since I did so little to contribute. Thanks to all who were here and did so much! Jerry brought
Boccie ball to play. The comment from the ladies on the deck was something about the old goats......grin!

Assessments being made...

Steve making a practice throw? Steve, Lori and Karissa were our special guests, we sure miss having them here every week!

Then after the goat comment which we all enjoyed very much,was something to the effect of cackling hens! Our place always brings out some sort of barnyard humor. Tee Hee.

The girls and Lambert got a ride in Jerry and Linda's classic car, and got to go into downtown Kirkland, what fun! My girl really enjoyed the attention.
Fifth Sundays are very special at your house. Who came up with the idea? Thanks for including the rest of us in your hospitality!
looks like fun...I would have loved to see Jerry's neat old car...I love the 50's, 60's and 70's cars
Dad Burgess
I got the idea from my brother and sister in law. They used to have meeting at thier house every 5th Sunday with a potluck following. I was able to go to a couple of them and it was real nice.
so is that exactly every 5th sunday, or is it, if there are 5 sundays in a month? (Bry said, if there were 5 sundays in a month back home, that some people in town would come out to their meeting at Grandpa Theodore's)
it sounds/looks like a lot of fun. Too bad we don't live closer! We love to barbecue!
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