Oops, I forgot to take along a rolling pin. I used a window cleaner bottle (it should be clean right?). I also did not have any thing wonderful to roll it out on so I got it part way on a piece of foil (worked better than I feared), then had to hand form it. Lumpy pie crust, but I got it to fit.

Rhubarb pie ready for the oven. Improvised on the "daisy" and used the lid to one of the spice jars to cut out the circle and the petals.

And my hard working husband finally got to see pie cooling on the pie shelf he built with great hopes a long time ago.
Pie connoisseurs can tell me if this is good or not: the pie crust turned out to be crunchy, crisp. Is that a bad thing or a good thing? It was not the classic "flaky". What did I do wrong? It did taste pretty nice all the same!
Mmmm....sounds and looks good. Did you do this up on the VR? Did it taste as good as it looks?
I'm ready for some of your outdoor, VR Cooking!
Dad Burgess
Hi Elaine, I haven't "blogged" for awhile but thought of you yesterday after seeing so many of your relation at Ed's funeral. It was extra nice to talk to Morris P. about your mom...
Now I'm going to go backwards and read a little more blogging, wishing the whole time for some rhubarb/strawberry pie! Love, Bonnie
Your pie is very pretty, and what is more delicious this time of year than strawberries and rhubarb! Maybe you've just invented a new type of pie crust that will take the nation by storm! After all, brownies came about because of a fallen cake.
Love, Mom
You made this beautiful pie at the RANCH?! Wow! All I have to say is your amazing & Gentry is really lucky to have such a woman. :)
It looks good! Love the flower design on top. I like the table cloth too!
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