First time camping for this girl, she was a trooper!

This fine distinguished gentleman was partaking in a sport likened to fishing in that one must take out the insides to enjoy the rest. We made muffins in the fire...it was part of the adventure, and part of the breakfast for some who were fortunate to have it cook just about right without too much black stuff on the outside.

Breakfast in a paper bag: bacon on the bottom, topped by
hash browns and eggs.

The attempts. Gentry called it "
Beth's cruel joke" since it was from her that I got the idea. (Sorry Beth! :) We did this breakfast instead of the usual B & G and I was not the most popular girl on the gravel. In my defense there were two out of the three guests who would not have been able to eat "the usual" so V made it for the family on Sunday instead. Whew!

The requisite marshmallow was well
received, and eaten in any form: raw, lightly toasted, deeply toasted and completely covered in

The boys idea of riding the 3 wheelers was to make as much noise as possible!

The girls idea however,was to look as good as possible on the bikes.

Grant got homemade
ice cream for his birthday, but I am unsatisfied with my machine. This is the second one I have tried. The first one left black shaving in the ice cream and this one has plastic parts. My search will continue....

The kids enjoyed the stream, and spent quite a bit of time building dams and bridges.

The last but certainly not least, of the
activities was a full out water balloon fight. They were excited (to say the least) exclamations
emanating from all over the
battlefields as the "wounded" and the victorious got out their aggressions. I do
believe they were all
successful at getting completely soaked which worked out well for the hot ride home. It was a close thing, but no one died. Wink!
Looks like a great way to celebrate a 12th birthday! Those kind of wholesome outings are a standout in my childhood memories.
Did the eggs in the paper sack get cooked or did the sack burn? I've tried that recipe in a skillet and always end up with uncongealed egg whites!
So what did you finally end up eating for breakfast, Ceral? Let's not try that when we are there OK. I'm more for the conventional, eggs, bacon...potatoes or Biscits and sausage gravey!
Looks like a fun time anyway!
Dad Burgess
I will take better care of you than these poor souls! The only one who had any success was that cook of mine, Victoria. T and B also tried it out and Beth thinks she knows the key to making it more of a general success. We ended up with eggs uncooked and burnt bottoms. Personally it was not worth it, as I ended up getting the skillet out anyway and putting it all together there, and dealing with the crabbiness that ensued from a certain man of mine waiting for his breakfast did not endear me to the method. Not a good time to be messing around with his food supply! :)
I missed it when they tried the paper bag meal for our memorial day camp out. However, the experience ended up being one of the big food jokes of the camp out! snicker!
I believe at one point Beth had said it should take about 9 minutes to cook. . . then 45 minutes later. . . hee hee hee!
We hope we can go camping with you all sometime!
This looks like fun...and you will remember the "unconventional" breakfast much longer than if everything would have turned out just right! You need something to laugh about :)...only it sounds like not everyone was laughing? Lorraine
I was just thinking about our fun trip last summer! The cooking challenges were the best! I need to hear more about the paper sack breakfast!
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