This is a little cabin the guys found.

Pretty water falls, looks awful steep...I will not ask if they went up here.

This picture is remarkable in the fact that it is taken with both snowmobiles on the road!

The snow covered rocks look like puzzle pieces don't they?

One of many dig-outs! This is where the addiction began. I think they later found a cure.

And again...

A beautiful bowl, this time made by mother nature.

The stump debacle...


Really? Again? This one looks a bit deeper, I am getting tired myself.

You are kidding right? It could all be the same hole -they all kind of look the same but from the stories told it is not.

I had to throw this one in here to give myself a break from looking at work.

Don't stop....You know what happens!
The guys do know how to have fun...but their "fun" often involves more than a little "risk" then work to get back where they are having "fun" again!
It is beautiful and looks like fun..When were these taken?
Dad Burgess
I'm puffin' just looking and thinking about the work it took to dig those buggies out!!
I think the next trip I'll stay home (again) and drink cups of hot cocoa with marshmallows....way more fun!!!
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