Grants play was a huge
success. Based on the books "Sideways Stories
from Wayside School." There were so many great and funny moments I could not pick a favorite, except to say that Grant's
parts were done very very well. He played Calvin and one of the Eric's (there are three). He was in two dances, and I couldn't believe how much more willing he was to express himself during the play than what I saw at the beginning. I didn't go to the
rehearsals except at the beginning, so I was totally surprised and entertained. I laughed so hard, especially the first go round. Lots of surprises. The play is copyrighted so we were not able to take pictures of the actual play, I hope we can get a video of it sometime though.

These pictures were taken during the curtain call.

Grants costume- he really didn't like it but they were not allowed to complain. Smile. It worked well for his part anyway.

Shouldn't he have a bigger smile? He was a bit nervous I guess. The kids were so supportive of one another and it really bonded this group of home schooled kids in a really nice way. As you can see the age range is quite large. Fun, and a great educational
experience. Special thanks to all who came and gave Grant support!
Great job Grant...nothing better than going to a good performance done well! Most important is that your mom is so proud of you. Keep up the great work kiddo!
Ohhhh, I love the Wayside School stories!! We read them when the boys were younger. I bet it made a terrific play....it had to be funny! Wish I could've seen it!
I feel pretty out of it! All of the stories the kids talk about today just didn't exist when I was raising mine. Hope you can get the video. I'd love to see Grant in action!
I would have loved to see you in the play, Grant. I'm sure you did a great job. Way back when I was in school....over 50 years ago...I tried out for and performed in every play and musical that our school put on. It was a lot of fun and I made a lot of good friends. I'm glad to see you doing a variety of things, like soccer, plays and the piano...keep up the good work!
I am still so completely bummed that we missed this! It looks GREAT, the sets were great, Grant looks fabulous!!
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