I have always enjoyed waking up my daughter with a snuggle and a kiss. Gentry decided recently that I am too soft with the kids and letting them sleep too long so he is now the
waker-upper. His approach is more the overly happy, overly loud and obnoxious style- he could wake up the whole neighborhood. The good part of this new arrangement is that he can now appreciate the view from Victoria's window. She has the best one in the house! The mountains, the trees and the sunrises are all there out the window.
"Rise and shine, the morning's fine. Off those sheets and hit the streets a'runnin"...that was Roger's routine as he jerked off the kids' warm covers every morning. Now you know where the idea came from. A mother's tender care oftentimes gets steamrolled out of existence by the shock treatment method. Hope their psyches don't suffer permanently!
I confess, that was my approach with the boys...however, I never used it on Jennifer. I wanted those guys to get into the habit of waking up and getting busy...the early bird gets the worm, so to speak...of course the early worm gets the bird! In any event, the boys all learned the value of getting up and getting on the job on time. In the long run, I think this is beneficial.
Dad Burgess
Mom played marches :-( Now I associate waking up with a vague feeling of irritability.
Gentry is making sure that he does not discriminate with the kids Roger. :) The female is the one who would linger the most....and started the whole method change.
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