Sunday, July 19, 2009


Gentry did not have a successful putting-in-culvert session for our VR neighbor (the man did not have what was needed to complete the job), so he picked huckleberries to relieve stress, or more probably because he just wanted to. The pie crust looks very hopeful, not beautiful since it was made in a quick hurry but the texture looks like it might be what I have been hoping to achieve...maybe I will get this figured out? And the will be amazingly huckleberry!! Yum!!!


Roger said...

Hey! We would like to be there to share that, for sure. It looks great. I know it takes a lot of picking to get that many Huckelberries!

Dad Burgess

Brent and Dayla said...

Wowzer!! I can only imagine how good that tasted...Brent's favorite jam is Huckleberry. Even if work couldn't get done, I think Gent made the best of his time & was rewarded w/ an awesome pie!

Will, Shelley, Chet, Zane, Reid, Lily said...

Yummm! That looks delicious!!

Mom said...

Did you and Grant get a good picking today (7/21/09)? Tory picked beans today...not nearly as satisfying for the sweet tooth, but it pleased Pops!

Darla said...

ooohh! Looks good! I make an occasional good-hearted try at pie crusts, but have a MIL who is excellent at it's a little embarrassing to show her my feeble efforts!

I wish you had come up to introduce yourself at convention. I am trying to figure out how I might know you...did I ever meet you in WA? I lived there with Leilani P. for about 7 years...