The beginning of the uncooperative modeling. Aren't we proud to know...who is that goof at the end?

I made them turn around...they are a clever bunch.

And oh so handsome!

Trying a little harder.

Pops, this is your fault! (Just trying to look respectable.)

Well, the lake and the mountains are beautiful and the boys...we still have work to do girls.
What a heap of wonderful entertaining pictures of brothers, camping, and cousins, accompanied with such delightful commentary! Such a fun time it appears to have been.
Nice to see them all together as grown men! I have the feeling they are dangerous as ever, though!
Bob Walker used to say, "Just peas in a pod."
What special pictures. I'm old enough to get weepy over these kind of pictures knowing that someday one of them will look at it and wish they had the missing link back in order to talk together just one more time. Women are good at capturing these moments but men are...well, not so good! :)
That Troy guy is HOT!
Thanks a bunch for the pictures, Elaine...first time we have a group pictures of the boys for a number of years...The stories they can tell! We know some of them but every time we get together we learn more!
Dad Burgess
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