Sunday, June 14, 2009

Campfire Tortillas

I had Victoria manning the "Victoria"....the tortilla press has her name right on it and as she said, "Mom, this is really fun!" I feel hopeful that she will do it again! And it really is fun! I did the flipping job, and that is fun too.
Almost looks like a black and white picture except for the little glimpses of fire. OK, Nanny and Pops, looks like we can do this at camp or at home, whichever works out the best when you come visit! This last trip I forgot to take the press, and so just smooshed the tortillas with the skillet. It left the "Lodge Logic" imprint on all of the tortillas, but it did work. How very logical.

1 comment:

Roger said...

Either way is OK with me. The outside cooking at VR sounds the best, if the weather cooperates and If I can get squared away and get some energy back!

Dad Burgess