upon a day Gentry came home to find a bunch of old
acoustical tiles piled up on his workbench downstairs. "
Hmm," he thought," this is mighty interesting." And he resigned himself to another project. Thanks honey!

In the process....

Even Victoria had to get in the act. There is something deeply satisfying in peeling off old wallpaper.

New can lights! Wow, I love them!

Painted, and now with hardware even!

And thanks to the goats, I have wonderful strawberries in my garden this year. Good to know that they are finally worth something beside entertainment.

Showing you that the top of my refrigerator is cluttered but clean.

I love how freshand creamy it feels! It is so fun having hardware....adds a lot to the look but also to how useable it is.
I LOVE it! I was going to invite myself so I can see if the food is still as wonderful, but I think I need to invite you here first to see if the food tastes any better around my new table! :)
your kitchen looks fantastic!
I love your kitchen!! Looks awesome, what a makeover! What did you decide on for the floor...tile??
So...I'm not with you with the goats & strawberries...I know goats don't lay strawberries!!!!
I looove Victoria's expression as she's peeling off the wallpaper! 'Gross!' she must be saying! =D We sure think of you often!
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