This may not be a glamorous picture, but I thought it was kind of neat...Gentry took all of K and M's items down to the nice tent with big red. Door to door shuttle service.

The young couple that upgraded our camping experience with FOOD!

First, we had to try to find the trees that were planted last year. Hmm. Not sure.

Artichokes, yes dear folks, this is the first time I have ever had artichokes cooked over a campfire. They were delicious with Michaels special dip. Fun to try new things!

So pretty!

Also on the menu was Tequila Lime Steaks and Garlic Mashed Potatoes! Has anything ever tasted so good?
Art on a camp fire! Ever notice how everything tastes better in a mountain setting?
I love all the pictures you posted! Makes me miss you guys all the more! I think I'm gonna need some copies as well;) Love you!
I've missed reading your blog entries. I hope everything is alright.
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