This picture is an oldie but goodie of my dad opening the fence on the way out to the cabin by the sweetwater. The old Model T pickup showing that I have heard so many stories about.
My cousin John P. and I are sending family pictures to each other on Facebook. It is so wonderful to have shared memories with so many. My brother and sister may not be able to participate, but there are those who can. It means so much.

The picture that started it all. Of John P. of course!

I remeber taking this picture, it was downtown JC....if you could have seen it then you would understand how funny that is....and I remember mom complaining that the photographer made them lower thier heads because of the reflection in thier glasses. But now I am so happy to have this memory. The dress I wore, it was pink and gauzy, so pretty (Teri and I are matching). Mom made her dress, and it was green polyester- the newest best material.

I think this was 1st grade. Remeber those chunky yarn ribbons we used to wear?
Great old family photo's! Thanks for sharing them with us. You were a very sweet little girl (still are, of course)!
I remember when our kids had those black rimmed glasses. The Geek squad still wear them, very "camp"!
Dad Burgess
Matching dresses...ah, yes...I remember all to well...along with some of the coolest ribbons for the pony tails. Whenever Victoria complains about clothes or hair(which I know she never does)tell her she has it so easy....!!!
LOVE the pix and I loved the ribbons too...then and now. We three girls had them in every hue!
We still have some of those ribbons; Jennifer used them for her dolls after she was finished with them (they're waiting for a female grandchild-tee hee). I remember even using them for wrapping packages!
Love, Mom
I remember when we were teens and had our family pic taken and John saying that when we were older we'd look back and say "Oh, look at the styles we wore and those funny glasses" and sure enough, that's what we do! I really like your old black and whites though! So neat!
Your old pictures fill me with love and warmth for all of you. I've seen Teri a few times. She's always cheery... I forget that Ty looks so much like Brad... What a nice thing for you and John to do. Your mom loved her nephews and it was so fun to hear her talk about them :)
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