Buds are out on the Asian pear and the apple trees, bright green leaves are popping out of the maples, and all is hopeful that Spring will come. It was necessary to remember the hope yesterday when it poured down liquid sunshine hard all day long. The birds are singing and building nests like mad, and it sounds like our local woodpecker has been building an addition onto our house. I am hoping for another bathroom! Life is busy all around this time of year.
Your picture of buds in springtime bring to mind a Robert Frost poem..following.
Dad Burgess
A Prayer in Spring
Oh, give us pleasure in the flowers to-day;
And give us not to think so far away
As the uncertain harvest; keep us here
All simply in the springing of the year.
Oh, give us pleasure in the orchard white,
Like nothing else by day, like ghosts by night;
And make us happy in the happy bees,
The swarm dilating round the perfect trees.
And make us happy in the darting bird
That suddenly above the bees is heard,
The meteor that thrusts in with needle bill,
And off a blossom in mid air stands still.
For this is love and nothing else is love,
The which it is reserved for God above
To sanctify to what far ends He will,
But which it only needs that we fulfil.
Robert Frost
So glad for all the new buds! Great pictures, too! Oh, you should really use it as a science lesson and go to the Japanese Gardens just over the 520! They charge to go in, but take your camera and it is so worth it! Or maybe we should go one day, just the two of us for a little bit, when I have a mid-day off! You would LOVE it!
Great idea Mel. Finding time is the most difficult, but I will think on it.
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