First stop for these ladies was the gift shop and the frivolous "
pinky-sparkly" seahorse was purchased.

The boys couldn't stop touching all the cold slippery, slimy and
spiky things in the tide pool.

This little otter was saved from the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Did you ever notice that
their back flippers look like someone just cut them out of rubber. They were so perfectly shaped it was weird.

The girls out in the lovely sunshine with water and mountains as a backdrop. Beautiful day! Driving across the lake is what a day like this is for.

This is the handsome mustached man (fish) that caught my eye. He was so dashing!

I can snap many really lousy photographs at a very rapid rate trying to get pictures of darting fish.

The scuba diver feeding the wolf eel.

After watching all those fish eat we were hungry too and so we must treat ourselves to the Old Spaghetti Factory. The boys got to color! And Grant was so excited for his kids meal with the trolley on his plate!
Hee Hee.

Good times!
Isn't it fun taking your kids out & having a great time?! Your a good mom!
It looks like a good time was had by all...and the kids probably learned a lot too.
Dad Burgess
Thanks for including T in your good times! We owe you MANY!!! I swear you and Gent need a nice night out!!!
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