Thursday, October 23, 2008

Colorful Soccer Season

Grants Soccer Team this year, the Enforcers! have been fiercely working to get to the number one spot. This last Saturday was the game where they played the Pirates, who at the time were at the coveted #1 spot in the league. We Won!! Grant plays Right Center Defender, and is used as the "sweeper" and he did a great job of keeping the Pirates from scoring. The final score was 2-0. We had another close goal but one of our players was offsides so it did not count. Not growing up with soccer I am still not sure of all the rules, and that one especially is baffling.

But here is a real goal!

Getting to the ball. As you can see Grant is #55. I love the barn in the back- this field is called 60 acres. It is a beautiful place and very close- so no traffic.

Speeding down the field. Whoops! I deleted the pictures of the fans (they are now on the side bar) some like to sit in chairs, and then there are the ones that stand and watch. I classify myself as a pacing-all-over fan. I do not know how to sit at a game, or stand still either. Since I can't be out on the field, I play my own game on the sides, knocking people over, tripping over the stuff they leave all over, running into umbrellas-it's harder to win than it sounds!

We had a man down, the coach rushed onto the field as well as one dad who is a Doctor. We also have a chiropractor, nutritionist, yoga instructor, and a pediatric specialty nurse if we need one.

Great defensive move, and pass to Grant.

Victory Dance...this game was a big deal to these boys and they deserved the win.

Victory Tunnel!!


Hilary said...

Yahoo for Grant! Soccer is so awesome. Jan played sweeper when we were in high school & it was great fun to watch!

Roger said...

Thanks for the shots of the "Big Game"! Congratulations Grant! I always loved sports and competition. I can tell from some of the shots that you are pretty intense and into the game. You win some, you lose some, but you can always to play to the peak of your ability and strive to get better.


Anonymous said...

Nothing like physical activity for all that whim, vigor, and vitality of youth!

Plus, it looks like Mom gets some exercise for the artist's eye with all the beautiful scenery!

Love, Nanny

Kent, Melisa,Tiana (and Coda) said...

Excellent win!!! Congrats to the team, especially Mr. Grant!

ALB said...

Great job Grant! Nothing better than winning champ!