"Nanna nanna nanna, It's not my birthday! "
It's not ours either! Whew!
He's getting old, but fighting it every step of the way! Associating with kids keeps you young!
This old feller claims to be camera shy.
But he sure is spry! (That rhyme's!)
Strongly defying the ageing process!
Ageing gracefully?
Beth asked Gentry if he could feed Danny a bottle. His reply? "Well, I 'spose if it's like feeding calves." Guess Danny decided it would work out OK that way.
Grill Chef!
" These are looking mighty tasty!" And they were, thanks Tooie!
You have MUCH pictures than we do!! All of our swing and trampoline shots are big blurs, and I am throwing a tantrum about it :)
Thank you for helping us celebrate! We loved it!!
What fun you all had! Good to see that Beth isn't maturing! >>wink!wink!<<
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