Saturday, March 29, 2008

Do the Mango!

While Gentry took the kids up to the mountain to enjoy the snow we have been having, I have been doing my own kind of play: painting with crayons. If you have a warming tray and some crayons you too can paint! It is a kick to watch the crayons melt and form shapes and new colors. Kids as young as 2 years old can do this activity -with supervision of course. Just make sure to tape the paper down and tell them to only touch the crayon not the paper. I still love to do it. Try it!


Anonymous said...

Well, did the blueberries in a bowl on the sidebar with melted crayons??? Impressive, indeed!

I've melted crayons ( shaved crayon pieces ) between waxed paper before with a warm iron...makes for the look of stained glass, but never what you suggested. What do you use for a warming tray or am I just ignorant and should know what a warming tray is? I enjoyed the song that coordinates with your post....we used to sing that song in school. I love your fresh-frequently-updated blog! Renee

Lainey said...

Thanks Renee! :) A warming tray is just an electric tray to keep food warm. Our generation doesn't use them too much but they can be found for a few bucks at second hand stores and an old electic skillet works too I guess- but I dont' like the edges. I think you can also buy the trays new but I am not sure why you would. Grin. This is definitely a low budget deal around my house.

Mimi/Susan said...

OK Lainey explain this in 101 style to me. It sounds like a fun things to do with kids but I don't get it. What's the paper taped to? How does the melted crayon get from warming tray to paper? HELP!

Pharmgirl said...

The result is beautiful!