Saturday, November 10, 2007

Gentry's Tongue

Gentry had a fabulous birthday! Not only did he get a special gift from some very generous donors (a cow.......and Troy and Beth) his own son and daughter coughed up their own hard earned money to buy presents for Dad. Victoria's was a "value" deal with quantity in mind (2 insulated coffee mugs) and Grants gift to Dad was a fishing manual, so we can better know how to reel in some big boys! Grant could not wait to give the gift, specially wrapped by himself....but the best part was getting to tell dad how much it cost him. Hey! He has worked hard for the dough, and he knew Dad would appreciate that as much as anything.

The gift from Troy and Beth came with cooking instructions: boil, peel and slice. Sounds easy enough, I guess.....Anyone hungry? We are having a lovely dinner of boiled tongue soon. First on my guest list? Troy and Beth!


Anonymous said...

These pictures are soooo funny. Grant's expressions crack me up.
Hey, tongue is good eaten cold in a sandwich with mustard and pickles. What a great gift for a brother to give a brother!

Renee in NE

Anonymous said...

Okay...that is just sick and wrong!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU TWO!!! Love the Wiewecks!!

Hilary said...

I love the expressions on everyone's faces (delighted Gentry, curious Joe, shocked Grant, mischievious Beth), but GRRRROSSSSS!!

Happy birthday Gentry!

theawesomenessfactory said...
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Derek said...

hahahaha Grants expression is awesome :)

Happy bday Gentry!

Anonymous said...

Wow, don't call us!! Beth's April fool's day dinner was one thing ... but a tongue feast is something else entirely! But I DO love Grant's expression - I can tell he looks forward to sampling it! Jill

Karen F. said...

Definitely a gift you probably would never get two of! It is a new idea for those who are hard to buy for...I would have never thought of it myself.

Wade Burgess said...

There is something expressly Burgess about this whole scenario. Well done.