The boys have neighbors now. Maybe you have heard about the new "installation" artwork in NYC? They have installed
tree houses in Central Park for residents who are

victims of the Mortgage crisis. Smile. We were a step ahead this time with our summer project. Try to keep up people!

Way way up in the trees is the new location of the
Roost Club Headquarters, or a
UDU (Urban Dwelling Unit). It comes complete with
exercise equipment (the ladder is not for wimps!) Beds, storage area, covered Porch, and Swings!

Fear of falling comes to mind
every time I am up there. The kids love it, but so do the spiders much to my kids dismay.
This is our baby redwood. It has tripled in size since we have been here. The
UDU is built between two cedars that are quite large, and have been a source of concern during severe wind storms since they have lost some sizable boughs.

The swings are leftover pieces of our Vertical Ranch picnic table. You do not want to get in the way of one of these when someone is swinging!

It's a
loooong way down.

Beds and storage. You can see the kids have enjoyed getting it decorated.

Submarine style portholes out the back and one side. The other side has a pretty good size window.

Covered porch and a deck.

The swings have the potential to go out a long ways, but they need to dry out a bit more. They are too heavy at the moment to get extreme air, but they still provide a real nice ride.
Funny thing, some people on our block that often bring their kids over to see the goats brought some of their friends over on Sunday so we got to see how much weight it would hold. 4 adults (of substantial size - I might add) and 3 kids were all up there at one time. I had to look away.